Thursday, June 23, 2011

Weekly Scratch:Contest!, Sequels, Tumble, Commas

Howdy, folks!   Our next Schmooze is next Wednesday. Here's the info:   6-29-2011 at 10 AM at B&N in College Station. Writing Fiction from Life with Kathy Whitehead is the program. Kathy will take a look at how to use real life experiences in creating story.  I hope your work is humming.


The 2012 Highlights Fiction Contest is up and perhaps you are feeling particularly inspired. Give it a look. :)


Do you want to write a sequel?  I mean you've got the first one done, right? Here is some advice to make the second one.


Not into blogging?  Here is something to try, TUMBLR. As if you dont have anything else to do with your time. :)


Do you struggle with grammar? Do you need comma rehab?  Try this blog post.


Do you want to reinvent how you create a rough draft? Here is something to try: dictate your story.  Check out this blog post for the full scoop.

Well, there is a handful of scratch. Come back next week for more. :) 

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