Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Current Scratch: Join Us!, Local Events, We Need Diverse Books, Interest

Hi folks!  Welcome to the Scratchpad! Yay, fall is here! Hope you are enjoying temps below 90F. Time to write.  Hope those words are flying against the paper. 

JOIN US!  For our upcoming PARTY in December. Deets to be announced soon!  


Webinar: Business Tips and Taxes for Writers and Illustrators with Author, CPA, Carol Topp

Date(s) - 11/10/2015
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Big shout out to Natalia Goldberg for sharing a wealth of resources and info below! Natalia is the author of:  Paraguay (Other Places Travel Guide), the indispensable travel guide to Paraguay!


Cinco Puntos Press (El Paso)

Lee & Low Books (New York)
  • TuBooks - middle grade, YA fantasy and scifi
  • Children's Book Press - Bilingual
  • Shen's Books - focus on Asian cultures
 Arte Publico Press (Houston)
  • Piñata Books - Children and young adult imprint

Some Latino Authors:

Some Latino Illustrators:

Tools and concepts for Writing Diverse Characters: 


Tomás Rivera Book Award
Coretta Scott King Book Award
Stonewall Book Awards

Book Lists: 

Diversity Initiatives: 


Did you know this?  Dolly Parton's Imagination Library has provided 60, 000, 000 free books to almost 1 million kids in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. Check out the program here.  

The views expressed here are my own, and not necessarily those of the SCBWI.

1 comment:

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