Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Current Scratch: Join Us!, Local Events, We Need Diverse Books, Interest

Hi folks!  Welcome to the Scratchpad! Yay, fall is here! Hope you are enjoying temps below 90F. Time to write.  Hope those words are flying against the paper. 

JOIN US!  For our upcoming PARTY in December. Deets to be announced soon!  


Webinar: Business Tips and Taxes for Writers and Illustrators with Author, CPA, Carol Topp

Date(s) - 11/10/2015
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Big shout out to Natalia Goldberg for sharing a wealth of resources and info below! Natalia is the author of:  Paraguay (Other Places Travel Guide), the indispensable travel guide to Paraguay!


Cinco Puntos Press (El Paso)

Lee & Low Books (New York)
  • TuBooks - middle grade, YA fantasy and scifi
  • Children's Book Press - Bilingual
  • Shen's Books - focus on Asian cultures
 Arte Publico Press (Houston)
  • Piñata Books - Children and young adult imprint

Some Latino Authors:

Some Latino Illustrators:

Tools and concepts for Writing Diverse Characters: 


Tomás Rivera Book Award
Coretta Scott King Book Award
Stonewall Book Awards

Book Lists: 

Diversity Initiatives: 


Did you know this?  Dolly Parton's Imagination Library has provided 60, 000, 000 free books to almost 1 million kids in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. Check out the program here.  

The views expressed here are my own, and not necessarily those of the SCBWI.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Current Scratch: Join Us, Road Trip, Social, Webinar, NANOWRIMO, Neil, Writing Opportunities, Warm Fuzzies

Wow, another conference!  Kudos to Liz Mertz for setting up such a fantastic event this year.  We are all buzzing with ideas.  Blue skies overhead and lovely temps, I still hope you take some time for your writing. 

JOIN US Wednesday October 28 at 10 a.m. in the College Station Barnes & Noble for our monthly meeting for a TBA program. We'll also discuss news and provide encouragement. Gentle critique begins at 9:30 a.m. Bring copies of 5 double-spaced pages of your work in progress. Those who have time may go to lunch at a local restaurant. Members and friends welcome!

ROAD TRIP to the Texas Book Festival. Molly Blaisdell has a small car Four people can squeeze in for a tight fit trip to Austin. Anyone want volunteer a better car? Deets: Saturday Oct 17, 2015 at 7 a.m. from Tower Point HEB 949 William D. Fitch Pkwy, College Station, TX 77845 because Margaret Atwood speaks at 10 a.m. Bring water bottles and lunch because food is hard to find. We will picnic at the capitol.  Want to come? email 

7-8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 19
Starbucks on Hwy 6 at Rock Prairie
Join other SCBWI members and friends in the Starbucks at the corner of Hwy. 6 and Rock Prairie Rd. This will be a chance to meet other writers and illustrators, maybe gossip a bit about our work, and encourage each other. Email Liz Mertz at for more information.


Webinar: Chapter Book Craft 101 with editor Amy Cloud

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Aladdin Books editor Amy Cloud helps us create amazing chapter books in this webinar and will offer a limited number of written critiques.
Member Tickets are $10.00, Non-member $35.00.

NANOWRIMO?This stands for National Novel Writing Month. Write a novel in in a month. Begins November 1, 2015. Join with writer across the world to write your masterpiece.  Our local Brazos Valley Region has almost one thousand participants! You have no excuses.   


For tickets click on this link. On November 13 at the Long Center.


Some people like to pay it forward!
Author Jennifer Armentrout Wants to Help Aspiring Writers. YA and adult romance author Jennifer Armentrout has run a contest to send one unpublished author to the RT Booklovers Convention. .Check out this link. 

Did you know that Balzer and Bray are open for submissions.  Read about it here. 


Milton Glaser offers genius advice to creative folk. If you want to be a professional read this. 

The views expressed here are my own, and not necessarily those of the SCBWI.