Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekly Scratch: Revolution, Free Stuff, and News

Hi, folks, I hope that you are working hard on your current works.  I've been watching the feeds and hope that I have a little tidbit here to help you on your journey toward publication.


Publishing as an industry is rapidly changing. The value of content is changing, and we all need to move with the times. Here are few interesting bits that you may find of interest.

How about this idea, folks -- Hulu for books.  Here is an article from Galleycat that will give you an peek inside on possible future publishing scenario. 

First up an interesting press release from ALA with a perspective on how restrictions on e-book lending required by publishers is threatening access to information.

This week author Chris Eboch is offering a startling perspective covering the new frontiers in self-publishing on the Spectacle, a blog about speculative fiction for children and teens.


Chris Eboch is a multi-book author if you follow her blog Write Like a Pro! A Free Online Writing Workshop, you are eligible for a free critique.

If you want a free copy of a hot new book CHAOS by Rachael Ward swing by  The Neverending Shelf blog and drop your name in the hat.

Over at the blog of CHRISTINE FONSECA, AUTHOR blog a whole slew of free stuff you can try for if you so wish at big Kidlit blog party. This is a nice way to network with folk and perhaps win a free thing or two. 


There's a new imprint over at Candlewick called Nosy Crow. Read about it here in PW.

In these days and times, authors need to think globally.  Here is an interesting article in PW about children's publishing in Asia.

Remember this blog is for informational purposes and is not to be considered an endorsement.  

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