Thursday, May 31, 2012

Current Scratch: Messages, Magazines, Queries, News

Howdy folks, summer is starting. Do you have a goal? I hope you carve out some time for your work over the next few months.  

Our next Schmooze will fall on  6-27-2012  at the College Station Barnes and Noble.  Bring copies (up to 5) for gentle critique at 9:30 a.m.  Our program begins at 10 a.m. and the discussion topic will be: Children‘s Magazine Publishing. 

Local Author Sherry Garland is teaching a week long session at the Writers' Academy at West Texas A&M University on June 20-24, 2012. Sherry is an award-winning and best-selling author of thirty books for children, teens and adults and will teach Writing for Children and Young Adults. Using lectures and writing exercises, this course will cover a survey of children's literature; components of a picture book; components of a MG/YA novel including characterization, plot, dialog and voice; query letters and submitting manuscripts; working with editors and agents; marketing your book and promoting yourself; critique sessions. Here is the link to learn more and register for this event.  


Many authors feel they want insert a message into their work. This goes against the age old advice, "don't preach."  Here is an article by author Patrica C. Wrede that offers a unique perspective.

Laura Backes also offers a useful perspective on whether you should insert teaching into you current work. Here is an article at Children's Fiction Factory.


Here is a link to many writer's guidelines for children's magazines at

Here is a listing of children's magazines at Yahoo.

Here is a link for non-fiction writers to help the build professional submissions for the magazine market, courtesy of the talented Fiona Bayrock.


Here is some solid advice on how to write a query letter to a magazine at AskAllison.

Here are some sample query letters from Margot Finke that worked at The Purple Crayon.

Children's author Cynthia Liu offers advice on how to create a professional query letter.


Houghton Mifflin-Harcourt filed for bankruptcy. Read about it in

Random House book designer Chip Kidd gave a TED talk called “Designing books is no laughing matter. OK, it is.” This offers some insight into the marketing of books.  You may find this of some interest.

A new children's/YA imprint from World Wisdom for the philosophically inclined. Read about at PW.

The views expressed here are my own, and not necessarily those of the SCBWI

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Current Scratch: Literacy, Write, Non-fiction, and RIP

Howdy folks, hope you are spending some time working on master works! Yay for rain to keep us indoors and working.

Our next Schmooze will fall on  5-30-2012  at the College Station Barnes and Noble.  Bring copies (up to 5) for gentle critique at 9:30 a.m.  Our program begins at 10 a.m. and the discussion topic will be: Children‘s Magazine Publishing. 
A new blog in town! Andy Sherrod's Big Boy Book Blog is a place to get the scoop on boy books. Andy's stated purpose, "My purpose here is to equip you to promote reading among boys who are alliterate (they know HOW to read but don't because they think books are boring)." Check it out.

Brazos Writers has an upcoming workshop on Saturday, June 16, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. as poet, memoirist, and associate professor at Texas A&M University English Department Chuck Taylor helps writers draw on life experience to create memoirs or use memories to enrich other writing types. On-site registration and networking time at 8:30 a.m. Check it out.


The story of one small town and how they got the kids reading. Reported in SLJ.


We all can use some helps some times to create the best works. Here are some tools to help you create your best book. Here is one that will help you strengthen you plot. Here is another tool, 40 questions to a stronger manuscript.

Non-fiction Writers

Nonfiction Monday was started by Anastasia Suen. Bloggers across the kidlitosphere celebrate Nonfiction Monday by writing about nonfiction books for kids on Monday. Check it out.
The views expressed here are my own, and not necessarily those of the SCBWI